
"Of Canon and Community"

Published at 2019.07.02.

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What do the LCD screens say in AE?

For details please read the introductory paragraph in AO’s page.

If you are silent and still in shadows, you cannot be seen.

To run, hold [BLANK] while you move.

To enter the mine car, stand in front of it and press [BLANK]. To exit the mine car, press [BLANK]. To make the mine car drop from a ceiling, press [BLANK].

Press [BLANK] to hop.

You can make a possessed Slig blast stuff in the foreground by pressing [BLANK] while holding [BLANK].

Only a fool or a murderer would pull this lever.

Blind Mudokons keep walking until you tell them to wait. Tell them to wait by pressing [BLANK].

Try bouncing rocks off the wall.

Say hello to all the Mudokons at once by pressing [BLANK]. Then tell them to follow you by pressing [BLANK].

If you sneak, any Mudokons following you will also sneak.

You will need help to turn all the wheels at once. Position a Mudokon in front of a wheel, then tell it to work by pressing [BLANK]. You may need to slap the Mudokon to get it to calm down.

Sneak behind the Slig as it walks away from you.

The only way to make a Mudokon calm down is to slap it. To slap a Mudokon, stand next to it and press [BLANK].

Laughing gas makes Mudokons slap-happy.

Sligs ahead ... be quiet.

Stand on top of the arrow and press (down arrow)

Execute a roll while running by pressing [BLANK] while you run.

After saying hello to the Mudokon, tell it you are sorry by standing next to it and pressing [BLANK].

To turn the wheel, stand in front of it and press [BLANK].

Lead Mudokons to bird portals, then chant to rescue them. Chant by holding [BLANK].

Use lever to operate bone saw.

Sligs can talk to Slogs.

Use Slig to talk your way past the security door.

To avoid the alarm, stand still when the Motion Detectors touch you.

To walk, press (left) or (right). To run, hold [BLANK] while you move.

To roll, first crouch by pressing [BLANK]. Then roll left or right by pressing [BLANK] or [BLANK].

To help Mudokons escape from slavery chant when you see a circle of birds. To chant, hold [BLANK].

Possess Sligs by chanting. Chant by holding

To alert a Mudokon, say hello by pressing [BLANK]. Then, talk to Mudokons by pressing [BLANK] or [BLANK]. Experiment!

Practice throwing here. You can stand on the arrow and hit every mine. It is possible to throw while crouching.

To get a rock from the rock sack, stand under it and press [BLANK]. To pick up a rock, crouch next to it and press [BLANK]. To throw the rock, hold [BLANK], then press any directional button. Different directions will throw at different angles.

Sneak to shadows by holding while you move. Stand still in shadows while Slig is facing you, or you will be seen. Sneak behind Slig when it walks away from you.

To deactivate a bomb, crouch next to it by pressing [BLANK]. Then carefully press [BLANK] when the bomb blinks green. Press [BLANK] again to reactivate it.

To ride the platform, stand in the center of it, and press (up).

To use the ring, stand under it, and press [BLANK], just like a hoist.

To pull the lever, stand next to it and press [BLANK].

To sneak past the sleeping Slig, hold [BLANK] while you move.

To hop, press [BLANK].

To hoist, stand under the falling debris and press (up arrow).

To enter the well, stand in front of it and press [BLANK].

To enter the door, stand in front of it and press [BLANK].

Legz Iz Uz : if you can find a better leg, buy it!

Vykkers Lab reports SoulStorm Brew totally safe! Dont think, drink!

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Moolah Ticker...SolstrmBrw UP...FeeCo UP Bonwrkz UP...Rptfrms DOWN! DOWN! DOWN!

Phlegs Bonepaste...good to the last glop.

Vykkers Labs. Molding the future out of you.

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AzGasCo: Growing one fart at a time.

Wanted: Bullet catchers and grenade testers. Apply in person to General Dripik. Qualified recruits only.

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SoulStorm Brew: Just drink it!

If yer blue, drink Brew!

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Smuggling bones in your pants is grounds for immediate termination!

Need a (permanent) vacation? Consult a Slig supervisor.

Depressed ... ? Then work harder!

Drink cool, clear, depressing SoulStorm Brew.

You break it, you bought it.

Work! Do it!

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